Camera “B” 2012 (Second Pull)

Camera “B”
July 5 – July 28
Type – Hunten IR-30
Location – Timber “B” Creek Bed

If you remember, the camera that I had out at this location died the first time I put it out. I got the camera exchanged for one of the newer Hunten IR-30 trail cameras. The newer camera is working great so far and I am happy with it for the price range ($70). I only got one buck on camera – you can tell he is good but not how good he is. The camera was placed in a large dried up creek, but the pool it was over also dried up during the camera’s time it was set up. Since we are in a severe drought, I moved the camera this time to a pond where there was deer sign.

The only buck I got on film at this site.

Doe with her young one

Bobcat! During the day!!

Raccoon with baby following.